Thursday 18 April 2024


Sheer bliss

I know the feeling. Been there. Done that.

Coláiste Mhuire was a good school. We had an orchestra, periodically examined by an extern. But then we had the Pit Orchestra. A loose assembly of serious musicians and messers, all out to enjoy themselves accompanying whatever action was going on onstage. The sheer joy and enthusiasm of it is hard to convey. The formal stuff was onstage. The formal orchestra doing a piece by Beethoven or whoever. The quartet with its Eine Kleine Nachtmusik and endless restarts in which I played second fiddle.

But the Pit Orchestra, accompanying the onstage gymnastics, was a bit like jazz. A collection of individuals, each expressing themselves to their heart's content but producing the miracle of coherent sound, never to be repeated.

I just loved it.

So I think I can claim to empathise with Gordon Brewster and his liberated first violinist.

Gordon gets it so right.

And that is just a tiny detail in one of his political cartoons.

Get the book (forthcoming)

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We know that Gordon was primarily an artist and a trained artist at that. He attended the Dublin Metropolitan School of Art, and he exhibi...